Dr. Klausen provides seminars on topics regarding faith, mental health, and the intersection of these. He can design the seminars around the needs of your, congregation, ministries, and staff. He can provide workshops training staff and volunteers in various skills, such as conflict resolution, communication, working with difficult personalities, and self-care.
Dr. Klausen can also be hired to help resolve conflict within the church, or provide consultations regarding how to best support individuals in the congregation or staff who have mental health needs.
Below is a sample of seminars and workshops specifically designed for churches, but any of the mental health seminars on “Public Speaking” page can be customized for use in a church setting.
Life Eats People, and Pastors Too!
Self-Care and Suicide Prevention for Shepherds
Flyer: Life Eats Pastors Flyer
Trifold Brochure: Life Eats Pastors Trifold
A 6-hour workshop that includes these segments:
- Education and exercises to understand God’s design for our minds’ and bodies’ stress-responses. This segment includes education on stress, anxiety, grief, and depression.
- Practical strategies for responding to stress and other emotional challenges.
- Designing individualized plans for deliberate coping.
- Instruction in principles and strategies for preventing compassion fatigue – information on how to reduce vicarious trauma from listening to the pain, suffering, and sins of others.
- Education regarding signs of potential suicidality and how to respond when someone reports suicidal thoughts or actions.
- Exercises helping you understand your spiritual temperament. This understanding will be applied to help you better plan your personal time wth God.
- Experiential exercises and education to improve (and often radically alter) your intuitive understand of how thoughts and emotions work. This includes experiences with the limits to the control your God-given free will has over your own mind. These experiences are often both liberating and convicting.
- Discussion of church organizational considerations for good cognitive, emotional, and behavioral health.
Oxytocin – Our God-Given Love Potion
God equipped our brains with the ability to create this powerful love drug. Dr. Klausen will share about how the science of Oxytocin is confirming Biblical/conservative views regarding relationships, sex, and pornography. Dr. Klausen will teach how to apply this knowledge to improving relationships, reducing stress, lowering physical pain, and enhancing orgasms.
The following is a recording of an abbreviated version of this talk directed toward men at a No Regrets conference:
The following is a 2 1/2 hour extended version that takes a developmental approach and includes a focus on safeguarding relationships and improving marriages. This was presented at a Women’s Ministries event (both genders invited) at Community Church on 03/02/2019:
Anger is a natural powerful emotion, but one that when unchecked can wreak havoc with our lives and with our relationships. Dr. Klausen will provide a framework for understanding anger, and will lay out the path toward gaining control over it.
Ruah, Pneuma: Understanding the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Man
Dr. Klausen will dive into how the Bible uses the word “spirit” (OT=Ruah; NT=Pneuma) and what it reveals about the natures of the wills of God and man.
Metanoia: True Biblical Repentance
Dr. Klausen will discuss the psychological concept of metacognition and its relationship to the true Biblical meaning of repentance. This life-transforming and liberating process will be laid out and explained.
To love and be loved
You are loved more than you know, and you love others more than they know.
People often don’t recognize the love coming their way because it does not match up to the ways they receive and send love. Sometimes the expressions of love don’t hit home. Dr. Klausen will help you learn how to identify the ways you and others naturally express love, and how to make adjustments so that the love is recognized and felt. Love between husband and wife, parents and children, friends, and believers will be discussed, as will implications of this session’s message on how we may experience God’s love and express love back to him in our own ways.
Spiritual Temperaments
This session is based on Gary Thomas’ Sacred Pathways. Dr. Klausen will help you take a step back from “Churchianity” and your own religious traditions. You will learn about nine biblical ways people connect with God and will explore which ones best fit you. Dr. Klausen will discuss how to use this understanding to remove some of the barriers (e.g., religiousness) that we tend to put in place between us and the transformational Holy Spirit.
The following is a recording of an abbreviated version of this talk directed toward men at a No Regrets conference:
Dr. Klausen will help you understand the grief process, and why God made grief be the way it is. Dr. Klausen will also provide principles for how to support yourself and others through the process.
Forgiveness is hard. Forgiveness is complicated. Forgiveness can be confusing. Forgiveness can even seem unfair. You’ve heard the old sayings, “just forgive and forget or just let it go…”, but forgiveness work that way. Yet, Jesus calls us to have His heart and to forgive. He is the path to ultimate forgiveness and forgave us for everything. When we are in pain, we don’t want to chose forgiveness, yet not forgiving keeps our hurt alive. Dr. Klausen will delineate what forgiveness is and is not and will address specific obstacles to the forgiveness process.
“The sins of their fathers will be visited upon their children to the third and fourth generations.”
Whether it is ourselves or a loved one, most of us know someone who has experienced significant trauma. Dr. Klausen will walk you through how trauma can affect our thoughts, feelings, behaviors, memories and physical reactions. Both single situation traumas and long-term experience traumas will be discussed, as well as the path toward healing. Spiritual implications, including how it may affect someone’s relationship with God, will be covered.